I Received the 'One Lovely Blog' Award!

Thanks to WelcometotheMotherhood, I'm honored to receive the One Lovely Blog Award. She has a wonderful selection of reviews, resources, recipes and giveaways on her blog. So be sure check her blog out! :)

Rules: Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Lovely Blogs

♥ Redberry Barn 
Sugar N Spice & Everything Nice
It's A Hodgepodge Life
Blackberry Jam Cafe
Make Me A Blessing
Infarrantly Creative
Full of Light
Cheap & Sweet
Miss Mustard Seed's Creative Blog
Much To Do With Nothing
Pewter + Sage 
Imagine Cozy
Creative Home Expressions
Made By Girl

I won! Thanks My Romantic Home!

I never win anything so you can imagine my excitement today when I found out that I won the $50 gift certificate from Photofiddle.com that was hosted by My Romantic Home (well through her review blog).  Here's her post so you can check out her site and all of the cool stuff from Photofiddle.  Here's a picture of one of her favorite prints done on canvas.


We Are The World 25 For Haiti

So what did you think of the new version for Haiti of We Are The World?  Personally, I love it!  I actually got the chills when I watched it.  More because of what it'll do for Haiti but also due to the inspiration of Michael Jackson to the song even today.  I've read several sites that have made negative comments regarding the mixture of rap/hip hop in it but I think it was brilliant to mix the artists.  They have everyone from back in the day to the present.  It'll appeal to all ages.  Here's a link to the website if you'd like to check it out.


Photo From www.wearetheworld.org

Valentine Teacher Monogram Pencil Gift

I ordered some vinyl monograms from Becky at I.Show.Off vinyl decor and couldn't wait for them to come in.  She had an awesome post idea for Teacher Gift Monogram Pencil Jars.  I knew this would be a great Valentine gift for my sons' two teachers.  When I got them I was even more pleased....these were perfect.  Perfect size and awesome quality.  

I found some ABC vintage looking ribbon on clearance for .50 at Michaels. The vinyl monograms were extremely easy to put on using the tutorial from I.Show.Off site (click here for tutorial).  Here is picture of how mine turned out.

Thanks again Becky....I can't wait to place another order.  I think I'm going to be addicted to the vinyl projects.

A Bookshelf Makeover and Beautiful Drape Tutorial

I've been browsing different sites looking for bookshelf ideas.  I thought this was the cutest makeover.  It's an old entertainment center made into a Laundry Station.  Now I don't need a laundry station but it gave me tons of idea's for using old entertainments for bookshelfs.  I can't count how many times I've seen these type of entertainment centers for sale, cheap, and didn't give them a second thought.  I'll definitely have to put this on my 'to do' list.



Valentine Sweethearts Candy Ipods

I noticed this on another blog (sorry...unfortunately I can't remember where) but I ended up finding it on http://familyfun.go.com/crafts/rock-candy-675037/ .  You can view the instructions on their site but I'm also listing how I did it.


Boxes of Sweethearts
Valentine Tootsie Rolls
Glue Stick
Scrapbook Paper of Your Choice
Ipod Template
Gift Tags
Goodie Bags

Get the ipod template by copying this link http://familyfun.go.com/assets/cms/pdf/crafts/RockCandy_3.pdf  and pasting it as your web address.  It will allow you to change the songs to accommodate your choice of songs.  Here is what their template looks like:

I changed our template to four to a page instead of two (save paper).  And this is what I changed ours to show:

The same blog, the one that I can't find or remember, also had these great ipod heart stickers on their bags.  So I googled it and found them.  The entire heart is filled with Ipods.  I printed them on business cards to use as the gift tags.  

  Using scrapbook paper, I used the box of Sweethearts as the template.  It just needs to wrap around the box, not cover the top and bottom.  Cut the paper so that you have enough room in back to glue the paper together.  Before you glue the paper together in back, tape the string on the inside of the paper in back - either side.  Here is what the back looks like.  
I tied a Valentine Tootsie Roll to each end of the strings (2 ends).  These are the ipod earphones.

After cutting out the ipod template (make sure to cut the song box and wheel separately), I laminated them.  Using a glue stick, I glued them to the front of the box.

Place in the goodie bag.  I found lollipop bags that were the perfect fit at Michaels.    Above the drawsting, there is the perfect spot to place the label in and staple it.  The reason for the goodie bag is to keep the tootsie roll earphones from dangling everywhere.  Tie the goodie bag.  Staple the label/tag in the top part of the bag and there you have it.  Here are some finished pictures.

I'll be glad to answer any questions anyone may have.  I think the kids will have a great time with these. :)

Valentine Flower Themes...You Have to See

If you haven't seen how cute these quote lines are with flowers to match, you have to check out

Valentine's Day Quotes and Sentiments' by Julie Mulligan  

Orange You Glad We're Friends


Awesome Playhouse Giveaway from MaryJanes and Galoshes and Miss PrettyPretty

I noticed today that the wonderful site of MaryJanes and Galoshes has a PLAYHOUSE GIVEAWAY....how awesome is that!  It uses a standard card table so when you need to tuck it away it folds down into practically nothing! MissPrettyPretty has really put a lot of thought into creating fun educational play.  Imagine the fun the kids will have in these.  

MaryJanes and Galoshes: So what do you do?
Required- You must visit MissPrettyPretty's shop and leave a comment at MaryJanes and Galoshes on which house you are drooling over.   That's it!  

***Multiple entries will be deleted before a winner is chosen, one entry per person*****

Entries accepted now until Feb 15th.  I will announce the winner on Tuesday Feb 16th.  Good Luck! 

I'm so excited to see who the lucky winner will be.  Here's a couple of my favorites:

Queensland Crimson Fabric

If you could see my entire home - which at some point I'll get around to, you'll see that I LOVE the fabric by Kaufmann "Queensland Crimson".  Fourteen years ago I upholstered my dining room chairs with the fabric and have used it for many things ever since.  One of the couch's in my living room is upholstered in it.  I found the couch used about a year ago and bought it on the spot.  I've made pillows, round table cover, curtains and even recovered an ottoman with it.  Fourteen years later and it's still so beautiful.  :)

Hullabaloo Home Decor Giveaway! Thank You Room Remix

Thanks to ROOM REMIX for their post on Hullabaloo Home Decor Giveaway.

In December they did a post about the textile gift boxes that they had won from Hullabaloo Home Decor through Design Dazzle and how much they absolutely loved them. They have offered to give one lucky Room Remix reader not only some textile gift boxes, but also one of their fabulous decorative textile storage boxes. Please visit http://roomremixblog.blogspot.com for your chance to win.

Have to have list.....

It seems that every holiday or occasion where I'm asked what gift I would like I can't really come up with anything.  Well, since I've started viewing others blogs that has changed.  Now I'll start posting things I've found that I have to have.

My first is from Fifi Flowers http://www.fififlowers.com/.  These paintings are awesome.  I'm particularly fond of her chair paintings.  Here are a few samples of the ones I love...

Sam Moore Chair

I scoured everywhere I could think of to find this chair used.  It was discontinued by the furniture stores.  This chair would work in any of my rooms and with all of my decor.  Love it!!!!

3 Of My Favorite Interior Design Photos

Beautiful French Country Kitchen. The colors are great. The only thing I don't care for is the fabric on the chairs at the table.

I love this room because while it sophisticated it's also so cozy looking. The yellow walls make the entire room pop. I wish I had the nerve to be so bold.

I was trying to get some great ideas on how to decorate my kitchen island when I found this photo. Love the island.

Decorating On A Tight Budget...

For those of you who either don't have a money tree or for those of you who love to be creative without spending too much, you can have a decent looking home. I'm not sure if I'm thrifty or if I just love the challenge of buying something used and making the most out of it. So I've posted a before and after of my living room. Still doesn't have quite the feel I want but it's getting there. The entire room is mostly used and even what isn't I got a great deal on. If anyone were to ever view this....not even sure how someone would find my page, please feel free to offer any decorating tips. I would love to hear from you.

Before Photos:

Our Christmas Tree....Small But Cute!

We decided this year to get a small tree so that we wouldn't have to move the entire living room around. Of course this meant more than half of the ornaments we have couldn't go on the tree. But in the end, it really turned out cute.

My first Tea Stain Glazed piece....a kitchen island.

I was looking for a small kitchen island and came across this item. It was advertised as a microwave cart. I could definitely see the potential for it to be the small island I needed. But what color....I was trying to decide between dark blue, sea blue (light/med blue) or white.

I knew that I wanted to use Ralph Lauren Tea Stain Glaze regardless. So I removed the top piece from the island and the middle shelf. Removing the middle shelf made the island look larger because the space opened up more."

I started with the dark blue. Left it like that for about two weeks to see if it would grow on me. It didn't. So I lightly sanded over again so that some of the dark blue could be exposed later and went with the white. I liked it well enough but it just seemed plain so I distressed the edges and gave it some rough spots. Now for the tea stain. I wiped it on using an old white t-shirt.
After letting it sit on for about 3 minutes I would wipe it off with a different old white tee. Wiped gently in the areas where I wanted more of the stain and harder where I didn't. When I messed up I would just rub the area again with more glaze and wipe again. Just in case anyone wanted to see how it looked as I was doing it here are some pics.

It turned out great but now I don't particularly care for the rough spots I put on it. So, I'll give it another couple of weeks and probably re-cover those spots with the white paint and glaze.